Where Does Temptation Come From?

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I had hard time coming up with something to write about this week. Instead, read this piece taken from the OCA web page asking the question, “How can this be used as a teaching opportunity with ones’ children?” The blessing of the Lord be upon you. +Paul The writer of the Epistle or Letter of James is traditionally identified as … Read More

The Logos’ Seed in us!

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Galatians 1:15-16 But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and had called me through his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles.  I preached on this verse several weeks ago and it has stuck with me ever since. Bear with me a moment as I … Read More

Embracing Sanctity of Life? If so, why do we…

AdminArchbishop Paul's Reflections1 Comment

If we are going to embrace a Sanctity of Life view, can we: Affirm that life begins at conception, which means saying no to abortion? Embrace and support policies that call for the proper care of families and their children who are here illegally until their status is addressed? Advocate for appropriate measures in our schools to keep children safe, … Read More

Halloween in Today’s Time

AdminArchbishop Paul's Reflections2 Comments

In the last 15 years, Halloween has increasingly become a major event celebrated in today’s secular culture. It is no longer just a day where kids go out to trick or treat for candy. Adults celebrate it with parties. TV and Hollywood make it a big item on their program list. It is put on a similar level as the … Read More

Love, Freedom, and Obedience

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I have touched upon these themes before in previous postings. But given my recent notes on ownership by youth of their church life, I want to revisit the above three virtues of Christian life to see how they all work together; particularly in this area of ownership of faith and church life. Let’s talk about obedience first. Obedience is simply … Read More