Explaining Racism to Our Children Webinar

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In the aftermath of George Floyd’s horrific death at the hands of police officers, protests have erupted across the nation. With everyone at home due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, parents now have an opportune moment to talk about racism with their children. But how do parents begin that tough conversation? Join the GOA Center for Family Care on Tuesday, June … Read More

Masks, and Other Changes

AdminArchbishop Paul's Reflections2 Comments

These are stressful times for us. We are in the process of cautiously re-opening our churches. When I issued my May 5th directives along with those of the Holy Synod, I said we were going at 10mph. Now that number has gone up to 20-25 mph – a faster speed but still not at the speed limit of many roads … Read More

Guarding our Heart

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Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16) The character of a serpent according to Scripture (Genesis 3:1) is that he is sly, cunning, devious, subtle, clever, or smart. But the “innocence” of a dove can often be understood as “harmless.”  So why is Jesus … Read More

Keeping Calm in the Midst of a Storm

AdminArchbishop Paul's Reflections2 Comments

Last week’s post told the wonderful story of a monk who both cursed and praised a tomb of a dead person. The point was to show what it meant to acquire a spirit of dispassion in living the spiritual life. The writer of last week’s story said something important: “Indeed, I would go even further and say that acquiring dispassion … Read More

Dispassion in the Spiritual Life

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Here’s a story from a Desert Father that helps us to understand Dispassion: There was an elder living in the desert. One day, a young man came to visit him and asked, “Abba, what can I do to be saved?” The old man thought for a moment, and then said, “Go to the cemetery and curse the gravestones.” The young … Read More

We Do Not Live in a Vacuum

AdminArchbishop Paul's Reflections2 Comments

How do parents help their children make sense out of what is going on in today’s world? What do I mean? Children, when they are younger, ask innocent questions. When they ask, they expect to get a truthful answer from their parents, and they (children) want to do the right thing. We have all been taught in the Orthodox Faith … Read More

Bullet Points on Guidelines for Home Worship

AdminArchbishop Paul's Reflections1 Comment

On April 13th I had a Zoom Meeting with some parents from the Diocese to discuss their experiences working with their children in becoming “a Little Church” during this time of the pandemic. Many of the parents who joined the meeting asked for some guidelines (not directives) from me for ordering their home life during this time relative to prayer, … Read More