Soccer vs. Church

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By Joseph Kormos, Parish Development Ministry Leader – Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania Dealing with One of the Society’s Pervasive Trends Reprinted from the May 2013 issue of Parish Pulse – the Archdiocese’ Parish Development e-Newsletter. Sunday morning soccer (or sports in general) and its ability to pull youth away from church is a concern of priests and parents. What should … Read More

Taking Ownership of Youth Involvement

AdminArchbishop Paul's Reflections3 Comments

I asked the question last week, “What does the church have to offer to youth and their parents when they do make more of an effort to get involved in the life of a parish?” The typical answers are; our services, our church school, and any youth activities a parish may sponsor. Yet, I think a key aspect to having … Read More

The Two Calendars Impacting Family Life

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There are two calendars that many Orthodox Christians observe during the year: the public school calendar and the liturgical calendar. The attention given to these two has a significant impact on how well-connected kids are to their local church and their experience of parish life. If children are involved in several sports activities or musical programs at school, chances are … Read More

Our Youth in Camp, Our Youth in Parishes

AdminArchbishop Paul's Reflections2 Comments

I was at the FOCA convention in Columbus, OH this past weekend. At their assembly, Dimitrios Rentel gave a presentation of the Youth Survey he has been conducting with our parishes. So far over 1600 people have responded. He also spent the summer visiting some of our camps and attending other youth-oriented activities. He spoke with many of our youth … Read More

Helping our Children Face Death

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There are two things to remember in addressing death with our children. First, if a parent is uncomfortable speaking on this issue, then do not try to discuss this with your child. Speak first with your parish priest. He might be able to help you work through your own discomfort. Once that is done and you are at peace, then … Read More

Finishing the List for Now

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Here are ten more things to add to the list of concrete things families can do to make the invisible God visible in family home life. Read the daily life of a saint. One source for this can be found on the OCA web page. It most cases it doesn’t take too long to read. Go out for a family … Read More